A High Speed Patrol Vessel for the Oslo Police District
Båtservice Mandal have newly delivered a high speed patrol vessel for the Oslo Police District. This vessel is built upon new principles, with reverisible propellers, this vessel is easy to manoeuvre forward, bakwards and to each side.
Passengers, crew and ship owners are very pleased
New Marketing and Sales Agent in the Middle East and Africa
Heading our Marketing and Sales in Middle East and Africa (MEA) is Mr. Ali El Tom, Regional Marketing Director.
Mr Tom is raised in Scandinavia but comes originally from the MEA region. He speaks and writes arabic, swedish and english fluently.
Mr.Tom can be reached at Mobile: +46-708547460 ; +47-97-646406 or by info@batserviceyards.com
Tlf: +47 38 27 13 00
New order for a Combi-Catamaran
Fosen Namsos Sjø has signed a contract with Båtservice Mandal to build a Combi-Catamaran to serve the coastal
area of Øyrekka, this being directly related to the newly awarded Route won by FNS in February. This is what FNS
released to the press today. The new Catamaran, will be buildt in Aluminium, it will be on route in February 2014.
The aft deck will carry 6 passenger cars or a lorry and 4 passenger cars. FNS also mentions that the aft deck will
have adequate area for cargo and goods. The Salons interior will have space for 70 passengers with a modern and
universal design. The Salon area for passengers will have automatically regulated air-condition. Some of the
seating will be adjustable.